Loose Stone's Home Page

Loose Stone

Welcome to Loose Stone's Website!

Loose Stone Music

John Rutland, Loose Stone Music

Thank you for taking time to learn about John Rutland with Loose Stone Music. The website is easy to navigate, providing you with contact information for booking concert dates, music demos, John's bio, references, scheduling and product information. The site will be updated with new features and information; please visit often.

Loose Stone Music has provided music for hundreds of concerts, homecomings, revivals and special services. Loose Stone Music has also shared the platform with noted Christian speakers including Phil Robertson, Jimmy Sites, Hank Parker, Len Turner and David Ring. What matters most is the decisions for Christ over the years and the impact this music ministry has made in people's lives!

Please continue praying for our country, leaders, military and fellow Christians. The need for a nationwide revival is great. I believe God will hear and respond when we humble ourselves prayerfully, as outlined in 2 Chronicles 7: 14. The song titled "Come Home America" continues to echo this theme and has been well received in concert. Looking forward to seeing you at a concert soon.


John Rutland

Loose Stone Music